Monday 3 April 2017

Proud Students and the Print Display

     It took a few hours on Sunday, but I was able to complete the display that my class had worked so hard on last week. When they came in the morning, they were in awe! They said it was the nicest display at the school, to which I reminded them that it was they who had created the artwork. When other students walked by and looked at the display in wonder, my students were quick to make sure that everyone knew it was them who had created the prints. They were so proud of their work, and it made me proud that they could explain to other students how they had gone about creating it. Some students hadn't been to the print shop before, so were happy to have the experience of creating prints. They were especially proud that something they saw as being very unique and special about Cape Dorset, was something that they had recreated (on a lesser scale).

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