Thursday 6 April 2017

The Last Day

     Today marks the end of my stay in Cape Dorset. This experience has made me grow as both a person and a teacher and I am so lucky to have had this opportunity. Sam Pudlat School is equipped with a friendly staff that has made me feel nothing but welcome, safe, and supported. The students I had the privilege of teaching have a place forever in my heart. They have helped me become more than I thought I could be. Though there were challenges, we overcame them together. Seeing them succeed makes me feel like I've succeeded as their teacher. My co-operating teacher, Heidi, was incredible. She is the teacher I aspire to be. My house family, Jess and Katie (and the babies!) were also wonderful. They were always ready to lend an understanding ear, share a funny story, or give some good teaching  and job search guidance. I can't say thank you enough.
     The last day was filled with fun activities while we were learning. The highlight was going sledding in the afternoon. I posted a small section from the many I took, below. We had a blast. Also, I finished the "Koonoo's Hair" story and read it to the class. You could hear a pin-drop when I read it to them. I had the feeling that my efforts really meant something to them, because they gave a loud round of applause at the end. As a surprise, they had all contributed to making a "goodbye" video for me, which of course, brought me to tears. I couldn't believe the thoughtful and kind words they had to say. As we said our last goodbyes, they clamored for hugs and we had a large group cry together, Heidi included. I reminded them that I hoped it was more of a "see you later" than a "goodbye" because my intention is to apply to jobs as they become available, specifically at this school. So, in closing, thank you all for an incredible journey. Cape Dorset, I'll see you soon.


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