Tuesday 28 March 2017

A Walk to Dead Dog Lake... and Then we Saw a Polar Bear!

     The man-made lake that was built for a secondary water supply, is called Ice Lake, formally. Informally, and certainly more popularly, it is known as Dead Dog Lake. I've made several inquiries as to why, but know one seems to know. Apparently, many of the communities in Nunavut have a lake called Dead Dog

     This is one of the government buildings, built in our community. Again, the architecture struck me as being non-intrusive, and complimentary to landscape. To the right and further back is where the new High School will be built. Construction is supposed to begin sometime this April.


     ... and then we saw a polar bear! Luckily, someone had already taken care of any danger it may have put us in. The skin is laid out in the sun for many months, and turned frequently to allow an evenness of sunshine to hit the hide. The skin will surely be used for an assortment of necessary items for survival and comfort in the North.

     A picture could never show the real majesty of this place, especially not from my Iphone camera. I thought this landscape photo did an okay job of it, but in reality, I was breath-taken from looking at the icy blue vastness of it all.

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