Saturday 25 March 2017

The 2016 High School Graduation

     Last year in Cape Dorset, there was a fire that burnt the High School down. Because of this tragedy, the graduating students of 2016 were unable to have the graduation ceremony that they had worked so hard for and deserved... until tonight! Using the gymnasium at the Sam Pudlat Elementary School, the graduating students of 2016 were able to have a ceremony which I was lucky enough to volunteer at and help create a celebration for all they'd accomplished. There was a formal ceremony in which a large and beautiful qulliq was lit (this was the traditional source of light, heat, and cooking for Inuit, perhaps the most vital tool for survival in the old days). The graduates were told (I'm paraphrasing here), that like the qulliq, these students represented hope for the future, and to never let that flame die. Speeches were given by notable members of the community, such as the principal of the high school, the previous principal, and the mayor. Everything that was said in English, was also translated in Inuktitut, so that everyone in attendance would understand, and could appreciate how special these graduates are. There was a banquet dinner, made and served by the volunteers (community members, teachers, staff, etc.), and the graduates had dressed in fancy suits and gowns; it was all a very big "to do". When everyone had eaten and enjoyed some entertainment and dancing, we joined to watch an hour long display of fireworks. It was a wonderful evening and I can't express how privileged I feel to have been a part of making the night a success for the young people who persevered through many challenges and deserved to be especially recognized. I applaud you, all!

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