Wednesday 15 March 2017

From the Classroom in Cape Dorset

This is Grade 6-J. I love the whole setup, from the decorations on the ceiling, to the organization, to the comfy carpet on the floor in the reading corner, to the individualized pillows for every student. This classroom his cozy, comfy, and safe. I would love to be able to model this design because I think it represents everything a classroom should be to encourage learning.


This is Heidi, my amazing co-op teacher. Every morning, first thing, the kids come to the reading corner and snuggle with their pillows for a story. It's a lovely way to begin the day. You can tell how enthralled the kids are with the story, and they really love their teacher.

We used this book in one of our learning centres. It was a cute book, but what really got me was the author! The kids thought it was pretty cool that I was taught by the writer of the book.

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