Monday 13 March 2017

Arriving in Cape Dorset - THE FINAL DESTINATION!

     I have finally been able to unpack my bags! Above, are Katie and Jess, the couple I am staying with while in Cape Dorset. They have two little babies, who are each about half a year old. I have been shown nothing but kindness and comfort since arriving, from both my hosts, the school and staff, and the locals. Thank you, so much, to each and every one of you!

     We went for a walk around town, and I was lucky enough to wear an amauti (the traditional parka for Inuit women with small children)... and yep, that's a baby inside! It was a great way to strike up conversation with the locals, as many wanted to see the baby inside and help me to adjust the amauti for ease of wear and carry.

     While on our walk through town, we saw a man carving outside. When we returned home, it was just a short time before there was a light knock on the door. A young, neighbor girl was going door-to-door to sell her beautiful hand-made beaded earrings. Pleasantly surprised (I was planning on going out later to purchase a soapstone carving and some handmade jewelry), I purchased a pair of green, star-shaped danglers. A few hours later, Jess saw another neighbor walk by, and she waved them to come over. This neighbor was selling soapstone carvings, and knowing that I wanted one, Jess purchased it immediately. It is beautifully made, about 8 inches tall, with removable drum (soapstone) and stick (bone). 

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