Wednesday 22 March 2017

Northern Soccer and Stories with Elders

     Today was so fun! We had Gym and played soccer. The kids here really seem to lover soccer, which surprised me because I assumed, like the rest of Canada, they would be mostly into hockey. Shows you what my Southern assumptions get me! (They do also like hockey, but their love for soccer really floored me!). I played with them in the gym for a bit, but stopped when they started really outrunning me (haha!).

     After Gym, two Elders came to the classroom for stories. They spoke in Inuktitut, but the kids translated what they were saying for me, afterwards. The two women had been best friends since they were babies and grew up together. They spoke about what it was like growing up in the North, when they were children. They talked about how boys would play together, doing "boy things", such as fishing, and playing physical endurance games. Girls would play together making rugs, and playing games with rocks, that were kind of like card games. After the two women told their stories, they had the boys draw a picture that represented what they had described about the boys in their time, and the girls draw a picture that represented what they had described about the girls in their time. The kids loved it, were hanging on every word that came from their lips, and graciously accepted bannock from the Elders that they'd made, as a treat, to go along with their hot chocolate. When they were done, a resounding "Nakurmiik!!!" (sounds like, na-koo-mee, and means "thank you") were heard from all of the students, and of course, from myself!

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