Wednesday 22 March 2017

Learning to sew, Inuk style!

     Today, I worked on making some socks as a gift for someone (I wont tell who, yet!) at home. The pattern was given to Jess and Katie by an Inuk man whose wife had it previously, and they showed me how to use it. The stitching is very particular, and in Inuit culture, because you dont have the luxury to make mistakes and waste materials, you werent allowed to attempt sewing until you could do it flawlessly- this meant A LOT of observing. The stitches are supposed to be teeny-tiny, sometimes are criss-crossed, and usually have a finer, end-to-end stitch either over top or underneath to strengthen the seams. These aren't nearly as beautiful as real Inuit craftsmanship, but not a bad go! 

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