Wednesday 22 March 2017

Wow, this classroom runs so smoothly and is so fun! I wonder why...

     I really like the way that my co-op teacher has her classroom set-up physically (as I mentioned in a previous post). On top of the classroom being strategically setup for the students success, there are also lists and diagrams in place around the classroom which allow for the classroom to run smoothly. The students had a major role in creating these lists, so smooth running is reinforced by the students expectations of their and others roles. For example, on the wall is the Class Charter, which students have helped to create and which they have signed. These rules, as created by the children (and with guidance from Heidi) make it much easier for students to know what is expected of them, of others, and how a classroom working in this way will allow for a safe and fun environment for all to thrive in. 

     Additionally, there is the Job Chart, which is on a weekly rotation and allows for students to act independently in roles that help everyone in the classroom. They take pride in what they are supposed to do, which means that prompting to complete the job is rarely needed, they know what they are supposed to do, when they are supposed to do it, and experience independent success while working within a community- an integral piece of helping children to grow into positively contributing member of society. 


One more thing that I find very helpful: on the wall is a Mood Meter. It is divided into quadrants, and is filled with descriptive words. Sometimes it is used as a conversation starter, or sometimes it is used for writing in the students journals. This diagram helps students identify their emotions and increases their vocabulary (they also have a journal in which they use these feelings, or others, to write about what they are experiencing, emotionally). Most importantly, if a child can accurately identify what theyre feeling, then problem resolution becomes much easier.

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