Tuesday 28 March 2017

The Day There was a Wolf on the Ice

     This is the view I get on my way to school, Monday to Friday. The crisp air, the rolling hills and liquid sky of blue, silver, and white, well, without being too sentimental, I feel like I'm in a dream- how could I ever have a bad Monday, here?


     We finished with perimeter today, and are beginning to look closely at area. I put the display up early this morning, and the kids were thrilled to see their work on the wall when they came in. 

     The kids learned some new spelling words yesterday, and the rest of the week is devoted to review and practice. They begged to play a game called "Sparkle". I hadn't heard of it before, so they were eager to show me. First, they stand in a circle. Then, I call out one of the new spelling words. Then, one student says the first letter, the next in line says the next letter, etc., until the word is spelled out. However, if you get a letter wrong you sit down, and play continues to the next player. When the word is spelled out, the play goes to the next person, who says "Sparkle", and the player to their left has to sit down. It's really fun, they get enjoyment out of spelling while they're learning and practicing, and everyone has a fair chance, while playing. This is definitely a game I will be bringing back to the south to play with the kids in my other practicum.

... Oh, as a sidenote: there was an announcement over the PA today, before lunch. It said, "please go straight home over lunch, as there has been a wolf spotted on the ice." The kids were thrilled and were trying to guess who was going to get the wolf, because this or that towns-person was the best shot. Very exciting!

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