Tuesday 28 March 2017

Perimeter and Pixel Art, Descriptive Writing, and Yard Cleanup

     I had completed a lesson with the kids on perimeter and had them doing an activity that would show what they've learned. They were to use a grid paper to write their name in block letters, calculate the perimeter of each letter, and then add the letters together to get the total perimeter. The kids loved it! They saw how it was like pixel art, so after they had finished, they were allowed to use the grids to design assorted pixel art which would be added to the display outside the classroom. The kids kept referring to it as art time, and weren't thinking about it in terms of math, which kept the kids with math anxiety really engaged. It was really amusing!

     As mentioned previously, I had done a center with my photos from home. Today, I had a sheet of questions which the kids could select one from, to respond to. Many of the students did really well with it, but one in particular stole the show. He writes that the drums in a band that he loves, sounds to him, like "a wolf running". I could hear exactly what he was describing. He got a round of applause from his classmates for writing that; it was very impressive.

     During duty time, Heidi asked simply, "our playground is getting messy, who wants to help clean it up?". A flock of children came running and couldn't help fast enough. It was awesome. They really take pride in their school.

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