Friday 24 March 2017

Skating in Cape Dorset

     It was fun Friday today, so we arranged to take the kids to the skating rink. Only a few minutes from Sam Pudlat School, we made the short trek over, stopping for a few photos. I swear, you could feel the vibrations of excitement in the air. For kids who didn't have skates, we brought crazy carpets, for sliding (not sledding, like we'd say in the South). Unfortanutely, one of the students was injured a short time after getting on the ice. Don't worry, he's okay! He just needed a few stitches. Something I noticed about the students in a "time of crisis", every single one of my students was nothing but helpful, patient, caring, understanding, and responsible. (I'm beaming as I write this, they all made me so proud today!). We merely gave directives of what students were to do and what we needed, and they immediately worked together to assist us. They amazed me.
     But, the little boy was quite sad that he missed the skate. When we returned to school, we decided to make a giant "Get Well" card for him during our art time. Again, I was amazed at how they all came together to collaborate and organize. The kind and thoughtful things they were saying to him, blew me away. This is what I love about the people of Cape Dorset, they're not just a community, they're a family.




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